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 27.02.10 - On why she chose to play rocker Joan Jett and a stripper

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Twilight's Kristen Stewart on why she chose to play rocker Joan Jett and a stripper
By David Bentley on Feb 27, 10 11:33 PM

27.02.10 - On why she chose to play rocker Joan Jett and a stripper Kristen Stewart interview pic1

NOW that Robert Pattinson has finally admitted he and Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart are dating, the spotlight is on the pair even more.

The pair play vampire Edward Cullen and his lover Bella Swan in the teen vampire saga, with fans following their every move.

And Kristen's popularity has led to her being voted Bafta's Orange Rising Star 2010 and named the Elle Style Awards Woman Of The Year, which she thinks is "just insane".

But there's more to Kristen, 19, than playing an awkward schoolgirl in the Twilight series.

This year, she will appear in two very different movies, which won't be suitable for some of her younger Twilight fans. She's playing rocker Joan Jett in The Runaways, and troubled young lap-dancer Mallory in Welcome To The Rileys.

Here's what she had to say about her roles and her rise to fame...

27.02.10 - On why she chose to play rocker Joan Jett and a stripper Kristen Stewart interview pic2

How did you feel winning the Orange Rising Star Award?

"I would never get used to something like that, [standing up] in front of a room full of people that you respect. You feel so small, not in a bad way, but it's such an extreme dose of perspective to stand up there and speak to these people."

Does this mean the start of even bigger things?

"The list of nominees was so substantial, it's nice to acknowledge people who are doing cool things. It's truly humbling and such an honour, but I don't think it's going to suddenly get me my next big job."

The next night you were named woman of the year...
"You go from the Baftas to the Elle Style Awards - winning Woman of The Year at 19, which is just an insane concept, so I am pretty overwhelmed."

You play Joan Jett in your new movie, why did you choose that role?
"I was a fan of Joan's music but I didn't know about The Runaways, and that was one of the reasons I wanted to do the film because I think people my age are fairly unaware of them. And they sort of kick-started females playing more hardcore rock and roll and not being told to quiet down and dull down their aggression.
"It was something that they really had to fight for and I feel entitled to that, as a young girl of my generation. We've grown up being told that we can do whatever we want, and it really wasn't the case for them. It was really hard for Joan. She was so different from other girls, she really took a lot of strife."

Was there an added pressure when playing someone so famous?
"Yeah of course - I know what it's like to play a character that people know and adore, clearly. I mean, Bella is definitely an iconic character. The difference between the two is I could never meet Bella and say 'Hey, so the most important part of your life - am I doing it justice?' and also Joan became such a close friend, she's our executive producer, she was there on set everyday. She was SO nurturing and motivating and open."

You play a stripper in Welcome to the Rileys. Tell us about that...
"One thing we were concerned with was not exploiting Mallory more than she already was in her real life. I wasn't concerned about nude scenes, but I definitely did have to shred every single layer of defence possible, which is never really an easy thing to do.
"I don't choose characters just because they're really hardcore and they're edgy - this girl is really sort of broken and sweet."

Is it good to get away from playing Bella?

"I'm really lucky that I get to focus on one character for so long, because you never get that. It's just so indulgent. I have years to focus on one character. They still live inside you a little bit, you can still remember them. So it is nice to change it up, of course, that's why I do what I do, but it's also nice to go back."

So are you protective of Bella as a character?
"I guess to play any character, if you're not in a position to defend them, then you can't justify the things that they do. It would be impossible to play them if you didn't believe that one would actually do those things."

What's it like being such an idol to Twilight fans?
"I don't harbour such a huge sense of responsibility because I can't claim to be anything beside who I am, and whoever played Bella was going to be in this position. She's such a strong solid female character to look up to, that hopefully I do her justice. I'm really thankful that I have a platform to do what I love and people appreciate it.
"But in terms of being a role model then people just have to pick and choose their role models because I'm definitely not for everyone."

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